We offer both interior painting and exterior painting services to protect the largest investment most people make in their lifetime.
Exterior residential repaint in San Diego, California
Interior Painting
Exterior Painting
Decorative Finishes
Kitchen Cabinets
Throwing on a new coat of paint seems like it would be an easy thing to do, but it isn’t always that way. It can be time consuming to get it right and one drip can cause a whole section to need to be redone! With both exterior and interior paint being used to protect homes and industrial equipment, there is always a need for some painting to be done.
Consumers want a contractor who takes great pride in providing the very best paint jobs possible in all aspects of painting.
Contractors should use only the best products from the world’s leading paint manufacturers.
Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you shortly, or contact us directly at:
P: (619) 630-8706
E: info@towerpainting.co
555 Saturn Blvd, Suite B154
San Diego, CA 92154
License# 1070553
Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Weekends: By Appointment Only
Phone: (619) 630-8706 | Email: info@towerpainting.co
555 Saturn Blvd, Suite B1104
San Diego, CA 92154